Fresh Beginnings

Hello Dear Ones and Happy New Year!

We are now in a fresh New Year. I don’t know about you, but I love this one already. Even the nice even-numbered-ness of 2024 resonates with me. This is going to be one sparkling year. I can feel it.

I am in new mentorship. I am always working with a teacher, a mentor, or a coach. My current teacher, Kathleen Cameron, is just simply blowing my mind, and so much of what I am learning from her informs how I think about everything. I am also reading a book that is profoundly changing my life. It is called A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson. I am sure that both of these influences will enter into my writings to you over time.

I have chosen a theme for this year. (Words that will guide me.) They are “Amplified Rebecca”. Meaning, me being the very best version of myself. As often as possible. This year will be a time of huge blossoming for me. I just know it. I will use the words Amplified Rebecca to guide me, and in so doing, I expect to bloom grandly into the greatest version of myself. 

Here is an example to make this come alive: I recently hired someone to work on my house. Yesterday, accidentally, he created a huge flood, because of one tiny oversight. I caught myself panicking and feeling enraged. My ravaged sleep last night was in direct response to my big feelings. Then, this morning, I took a breath and was able to step back. What would the Amplified Version of Rebecca do in this scenario? I wondered. The very best version of myself, the “Me” that is defined by love, grace, kindness, authentic selfhood and healthy boundaries…. How would she respond? I got quiet inside and listened for the answer. I heard this:

She would roll with it. She would trust the builder, and give him the opportunity, time and space to resolve this problem beautifully. She would be trusting, loving, spacious-hearted and calm. 

Once I received this inner wisdom, everything changed. My sweet, stressed-out and sleep-deprived body just softened and relaxed. My big feelings were complete, and then rinsed out of me. And then, in a nano-second, get this: my phone pinged. The builder texted-just as I returned to “Amplified Rebecca”- to say that he was on his way to deal with the flood. And he came, and he did resolve it. (When he arrived, I received him with joy, trust, gratitude, and respect. And surprise, surprise, this worked beautifully.) We repaired this little rupture in our workings together. Our relationship continues to be strong, and we will happily proceed with the work we planned.

Having said all of that, here is the thing: As we head into this gorgeous new year, it’s nice to get a little bit organized about our plans and what we would love to have happen. I have had the support of my coach to offer a structure for this. Having gone through her recommended End of Year/New Year process, I have emerged as Amplified Rebecca. The story I shared above is the direct result of the work I have done since late December 2023, in preparation for 2024. And look how it is already working. Beautifully. I want this, your version of it, whatever this is, for you too. 

So, here is the structure that Kathleen gave to me. I am offering this to you, in case you’re interested and want to join in:

  1. What would you love to carry forward from 2023? What would you love to keep doing or keep building on?

  2. What would you love to do/receive/learn etc. in 2024?

  3. Who do you need to be/ what do you need to do differently in order to accomplish or receive this in 2024?

  4. What word can you select as a theme for this year, to be a guidepost as you grow and bloom? (such as: love, unity, kindness, boundaries, delight, joy, faith, abundance, etc etc…. choose something that you can actively BE or DO).


So. Here’s to you and your incredible New Year, your gorgeous blossoming and growth that lie ahead. You are so worth it.

In deep gratitude for everything in this sweet life,


P.S. if you want to watch Kathleen to learn what I did, here is the link to her free 3-day masterclass on this:

* Disclaimer: This likely goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: Everything I write is for educational purposes only. Nothing I write or share can be deemed diagnostic or medical advice. Nothing I write or share can replace your own healthcare providers or your own internal wisdom. Period. Please seek tailored medical care and advice via your skilled healthcare team whenever you need it.


Beauty In the Midst of the Fire


Embracing What Is Given