Sisterhood in the Kitchen
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Sisterhood in the Kitchen

I ran off on an apple-cidering adventure last week.  And what an adventure it was!  We visited with dear friends.  We saw beautiful blue skies and the colors of autumn in New England. We ate seafood along the Maine coast. We met tons of nice people. And we hand-pressed apples with a 102-year-old cider press… and then of course we drank that delicious cider.  It was a wonderful long weekend. I want to share with you a moment in time within this weekend, one that struck me so deeply…

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Savoring Autumn
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Savoring Autumn

Thursdays are my writing days, and yesterday was Rosh Hashanah. School was closed, and my son was home with me. There was no writing. Instead there was big living. What I mean is, we had a day full of just flowing with whatever felt right, and ended up spending the entire afternoon working outside together. We pulled down the cucumber and bean trellises, snipped off the vines, rolled up the trellises, stowed the stakes in the barn... and then gently took the twine that held the trellises together and wound them into...

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La Dolce Vita
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

La Dolce Vita

Years ago, I studied Italian, and then spent a semester of college in Siena (a tiny city in Tuscany).  I lived with an Italian family out in the country, and studied in the city during the day.  Life was really good.  I have stories upon stories from that time. The one thing that I’ve returned to repeatedly in my mind is a concept I learned there: La Dolce Vita.  This literally means The Sweetness of Life.  It’s a concept, lifestyle and method of ...

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The Inner Landscape of Autumn
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

The Inner Landscape of Autumn

Today I am home, resting.  It’s been a really big week, and I’m stewing.  There is swirling angst inside of me.  I couldn’t sleep last night. The full moon was too bright, the crickets too loud. Then our cat brought a mouse in and was chasing it everywhere.  Rough night. In the midst of it all, I wanted to fling myself into the car and drive out to the ocean.  My motherland. Cape Cod. The place that always holds and soothes me. This inner stewing tells me something is up. As I sit with it...

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Savoring Summer Moments
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Savoring Summer Moments

I’ve been catching myself in “survival mode” more than “savoring mode”  lately. It’s been so incredibly hot and humid out here, there’s no comfortable place to be, to work, to rest.  I’ve noticed how much I’m NOT savoring this season, and it has upset me. In an effort to return to savoring, I brought myself back to my list of favorite summertime activities (posted on my fridge). When I read and re-read it, all I have been able to say to myself is…

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Radical Self Care
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Radical Self Care

Years ago, I remember sitting with a patient in my medical clinic. She was telling me that she’d shifted into a new phase in her life and was practicing Radical Self Care. I’d never heard of it and was intrigued. She went on to describe it to me. I can’t recall any of the specific things she was doing, but I remember with my being what it all meant: Deeply prioritizing herself. She was a mama, a wife, a very busy professional, and a community activist. She had such a busy life. And the day came that she had to stand firmly in tending herself before…

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Patience and the Mother Sparrow
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Patience and the Mother Sparrow

I am writing today from my deck, seated in blissful sunlight. I am listening to the songbirds, the wind, and our windchimes. I thought I’d really dig into the idea of patience today. It’s been coming up for me again and again and again lately. Let’s just lay this on the table. I once created a belief about myself that I am impatient. My identity has been that I am a fierce yet impatient powerhouse. I have an idea, I envision it, then I make it happen (as soon as humanly possible)….

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Making Adjustments
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Making Adjustments

We are now on the cusp of summer. Maybe where you are, you are already deep in it. Out here, we went from a few delicious weeks of high spring immediately into deep summer. It happened overnight. With this seasonal change, we all are invited into taking stock and fine-tuning the way we live. Let’s be honest: every season offers this invitation, actually. Again and again and again. Now is the time to really check in with your chosen lifestyle, and notice what you love, notice what is…

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Creating Order
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Creating Order

Today I came home from my weekly handwork time with mothers and grandmothers.   I was out in the lush springtime in our yard, delighting in it all, and then stepped into my home and everything came to a screeching halt.  It was a mess. Mess everywhere, actually. Breakfast dishes that I hadn’t been able to wash before heading out. Yesterday’s clothes  all over the bathroom floor.  Stacks of files to put away. Clean laundry in a jumbled pile in a basket.   Ants that have invaded our refrigerator, jumping in and…

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Living by Feel
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Living by Feel

We are in sun again today, and as I hung out our laundry to dry in the sunshine (one of my very favorite activities!), some words came to me: Living by Feel. Since childhood, this idea of Living by Feel has marked my life. We never called it this, but it was a significant undertone in how I was taught to do everything. Before I say more, how about I define it for you? To me, Living by Feel means sensing with one’s hands, as we take on any task in life. And- it may be more than just sensing with hands. Perhaps it is more about…

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It’s Okay to Not Know
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

It’s Okay to Not Know

Spring is here in our little mountain town. The daffodils are so bright and cheerful, and winter coats are becoming optional as the sun warms the earth. My son and I have been inside far too much, healing from a lingering cold. We are just now stepping back out into the world, just now starting to revel in the dazzling springtime land around us. Having spent weeks away from writing (because of illness) I cannot tell you how delicious it is to…

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A Season of New Life
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

A Season of New Life

Spring is coming. Can you feel it? It is still just barely starting here. We have snow on the ground. It is 24 degrees and blowing. And, the daffodil and crocus shoots are holding forth, joyfully green in their nests of white snow. We have been in winter now for months. The tide is starting to turn, rolling us back into…

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The Path of Gratitude
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

The Path of Gratitude

I want to share a practice with you. I have shared this with a few of you individually, and I also discussed this during my masterclass last month. I have honed a gratitude practice that is now worth talking about. So here we go! First off, you might be ready to stop reading. I get it. I was that woman not too long ago. I was someone in great doubt about this whole “gratitude” craze. I just didn’t get it, and it felt like dogma…

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Living a Handmade Life
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Living a Handmade Life

I have been feeling too connected to my computer and phone lately. It’s been creeping up on me. All of a sudden, I just need the router turned off. Phone silenced. Emails and apps and inboxes closed. I was out on a walk the other day, and felt a thrill within myself as I noticed, “I am not at my desk, I am nowhere near my computer. Instead, I am surrounded by trees, and this feels so good!” Does this ever happen to you? That you just suddenly have had it with being plugged in to all the technology and the zoom and social media, etc., etc., etc..? The antidote to all of this is to live in…

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The Glitter of Who You Are
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

The Glitter of Who You Are

Today I am writing from my cozy bed. I have a cold, and I am savoring the luxury of just curling up in the greatest comfort I know, with tea. Years ago, I traveled to India and South Africa as part of my nurse-midwifery training. These travels changed my life in more ways that I can count. One thing that came of this is my writing. I wrote emails to my family and friends at home, describing my life and experiences. This was my writing debut, as I discovered that writing for an audience lit me up. That was 18 years ago, and that writing has been long-lost. I never thought to save those emails, written from a long-ago email account. And then a gift was handed to me…

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Deep Into Winter
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Deep Into Winter

Out here we are deep in winter.  My family and I live in Western Massachusetts, in an area called the Berkshires.  This is a wild and beautiful land of mountains, forests, rivers, and meadows…. And everything is blanketed with icy snow. The skies are gray, and I realized today that I really can’t remember what sunshine feels like.  It has been that long since we’ve seen it.  I’ve been hustling and bustling about…  Juggling solo motherhood, the tending of a sick kitty, and the various aspects of my professional life. Spinning plates is often how it can feel…

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The Inner Work of Wellbeing, Part Two
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

The Inner Work of Wellbeing, Part Two

I’ve been in the joyful and humble role of listening to women for decades… through my work, and also just because I was born to do this. It comes naturally to deeply witness every woman in front of me. I was in conversation with a friend recently, and clarity about inner boundaries and wellbeing just rolled out of me. I suddenly saw how our inner life experience is the foundation for every aspect of our health. I have seen this in my clients: their worries, their health scares, and their…

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Joyful Anticipation
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Joyful Anticipation

I write to you today from my couch. The fire is going in our beloved woodstove, our semi-feral cat is stretched out on the sheepskin, luxuriating in the heat of the fire. I am bundled in layers of wool. Tea and water are next to me on the windowsill. The world outside is bitterly cold and covered in snow. The sun is behind clouds. Our forest of slumbering trees surrounds our little mountainside home. I’ve been restless lately. So restless and edgy, and so tired. Usually this means that something is coming….

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Beauty In the Midst of the Fire
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Beauty In the Midst of the Fire

I seem to have a particular style in my writing.  You probably have already noticed.  It’s like this: I notice something that needs to be said, and it needs to be expressed through story-telling. This is followed by a line of questions, or inquiry, that I then offer to you.  Having been raised to be a good listener, and having taken on a line of work that reinforced the good listening skill, it often feels wildly outlandish of me to tell my own stories.  And.  I think that’s a part of why I write.  So I can tell them.  And so I can trust that these stories of mine have merit.  Have value.  Might even be an offering to the world.  When I was a little girl…

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Fresh Beginnings
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Fresh Beginnings

We are now in a fresh New Year. I don’t know about you, but I love this one already. Even the nice even-numbered-ness of 2024 resonates with me. This is going to be one sparkling year. I can feel it. I am in new mentorship. I am always working with a teacher, a mentor, or a coach. My current teacher…

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