Permission to Feel Incredible

What if I told you that you have full permission to feel well, and in fact to feel incredible? What does it feel like to be told this? Do you relax and feel relief, or do you immediately put up an argument? Maybe your mind and body are saying, "Oh Rebecca! What a silly thing. Feeling incredible isn't that easy for me. I have these struggles, these hurdles, these worries, these responsibilities, these........."

I am here to tell you: It is your birthright to feel great. Nearly all of us were born already knowing our value, our comfort, and our desires. We had no qualms, most of us, in seeking our absolute desires as children. We dove for everything we wanted. Of course we did. We knew our desires, we knew we were made to love our lives. Can you feel back into your childhood and remember this? Can it live in your body for a few moments? What does this feel like? (Now I will say, some people never had this experience as children. If this is true for you, love yourself. Breathe. You can still create this for yourself. Believe it or not, there is an aspect of your being that already knows you were made to feel incredible. However you may need some skilled support in remembering this, and reclaiming it.)

As adults, we are so trained to turn away from these kinds of ideas. We are so trained to believe all the stories we create (or ones that are created by others and handed to us). And so, I'll hand this to you: You get to feel amazing, in every circumstance, in every scenario, despite all the hurdles/struggles/worry/responsibilities.... You get to feel joy and energy and excitement and gratitude and freedom. Every moment of your life. Yes, that might be easier at some times than others, but it is still your right, and it is still possible.

Here's the other piece: Feeling great is entirely up to you. This is an inside job. It starts with your beliefs, and the stories you tell yourself. Then you act on these. You might not know how to feel well, or which steps to take. That is okay! You get to reach out for help. The primary thing though is to act with the end goal in mind. To take intentional steps toward the vision you set for yourself. Here are some new beliefs and stories that you can try on, as you build a new vision. See which ones resonate.

  • I am feeling better and better each day.

  • I love how I am spending my time.

  • I can't believe I get to:___________.

  • I am so grateful to be right here, right now.

  • I am worthy of feeling great.

When we cultivate new beliefs, we then begin to embody them. When we embody it, we do it.

Take some time today and feel this idea out. What is your reaction to the concept that you have full permission to feel amazing, and that you get to make it happen (with help if needed?). Where does your reaction/response come from? Is it one that serves you? Could you stand tall and walk through your day with strength and confidence, knowing that feeling incredible is 100% possible, and 100% yours?

Please let me know your thoughts, ideas and responses. I love hearing from you!




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