The Symphony of It All

As a mother, as a business owner, as a human navigating this world, sometimes there is chaos. As a mother of a young child, let me tell you there is usually a fair amount of this. It's perpetual. Some weeks ago, I was in the midst of popcorn on the floor, dust bunnies, unmade beds, toys strewn, laundry on the line ready to take down, dinner to be made, garden beds to weed, and a to-do list (yards long) in my head. I caught myself in overwhelm, and then shifted.

I decided to take a step back, and just see it all from a teensy distance. And do you know what I saw? Beauty. Such utter beauty I laughed in delight. Look at this creation of mine! Look at the child, the home, the food, the gardens, the conversations , the meaningful relationships and the love. All that chaos is evidence of the richness and fullness of a life well-lived. In that moment, I named it "The Symphony of It All". A life well-lived really is a symphony. It really is our own work of art. And sometimes it is way too loud.

Yesterday, I lay in bed taking some Quiet Rest Time. My son and I both tuck ourselves into our own places after lunch and rest. It’s so wonderful, and we both need it. In bed, sipping tea, I kept reflecting on this concept, The Symphony of It All. Deep in my musing, I noticed flowers, perfectly backlit, dangling from a begonia plant in my room…. like jewelry. Adornment. And again I laughed. The flowers were truly marking the beauty of my own symphony.

We all are in deep hustle. Some more than others. Our days are full of the everything-ness of being alive. Summer is upon us too, which may truly increase the hustle and fullness of our lives. In it all, the symphony of life, we find beauty, delight, fulfillment, worry, frustration, hardship, anger, and of course exhaustion. We find it all here.

Can you relate? What does your symphony look and feel like? Where do you love it and where do you resist/fight it?

Can you step back? You might just see the bigger picture. I encourage you to just pause, take a breath and look around. Maybe drink some water if your body is thirsty and needs grounding. What does your life look and feel like in this moment...? Notice the joys, the beauty, the chaos and mess, and all the emotions you may feel.

Perhaps held together in one picture, you see all that you are doing, all that you have created. All the pieces together create the rich and varied tapestry of your lush and gorgeous life. The entirety of it is so beautiful, so alive. The joys and triumphs matching the discomfort and exhaustion. May you delight in it as a whole, and find respite/healing/energy in the stepping back. And in stepping back, perhaps your understanding of your life will shift. Maybe you will find more compassion, more patience, more tolerance for what is.... and maybe you will feel proud of the work of art that is your life.

My deepest wish for you: May you savor your own exquisite and sometimes too-loud symphony. May you cherish The Symphony of It All.




Permission to Feel Incredible


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