The Inner Work of Wellbeing

Each week, before I write, I go inward and ask: “What needs to be said out loud right now? What needs to be written?” 

In a sense, I don’t choose the topic. I wait until the topic arises within me, then I write. I love this inner process; it further strengthens my inner self-trust, and my relationship with my intuition.

It’s funny. When the title arose, I thought I’d be writing about mindset and psychology, but what is arising within me is is different. (I’ll save these topics for a Part two, to be written when it’s time to do so).

What needs to be said today is that your intuition is your greatest tool. Your greatest asset. When we are born, we all have access to our intuitive, gut-level knowing.  In fact, each of us was designed with a capacity for this that far exceeds anything you can imagine. As we grow, the people and systems around us chip away at our access to intuition, and at some point many of us lost sight of it altogether.

Some of us never truly lose our intuitive skills. Some wake up to them suddenly, and others cultivate the return of these skills over time. For me, I longed to be intuitive for years as a teen and early twenty-something. And then it all changed. I won’t ever forget that moment. I was in my mid-twenties, and suddenly received a really big download, for lack of better description, that told me I was a midwife. It literally stopped me in my tracks. From that moment on, I knew Intuition was within me, and began the (forgive the pun) intuitive process of cultivating my intuition.

The truth is, every day we have multiple opportunities to either strengthen or weaken this capacity/skill. We all have it, it’s just a matter of tending it, hearing it, and listening better and better.

Why does this matter in the first place? If we have a clear pathway in our being, Intuition can shuttle messages to us every moment about how to make choices, how to tend ourselves, and what takes priority. In other words, Intuition is the inner voice that clearly states the best course of action, on any topic, according to what is the highest good. We can never quite know how far-reaching this is. At the very least, Intuition leads us home to ourselves, and offers guidance on what is best for us. However, I have noticed time and again that Intuition also guides us in the direction of what is best for multiple people at once, not just what is best for one person.

Perhaps you are wondering what Intuition feels like, and how to know? Lots of people write about this, and here is what I will say: Intuition usually comes from your abdomen, your gut. You may have a strong, centered, calm feeling deep in your abdomen. Intuition comes like a still whisper or booming voice. It can last a second, so fast you might not even notice it flicker… or can be so powerful it booms into you like thunder. But no matter what, it is grounded, perfectly clear as a still pond, and calm. (In contrast, fear usually comes from your head, or even above it, and is gnawing, contorted, murky, full of what-ifs, and can be like a hamster wheel of worry). Perhaps you have had the simple experience of opening a random book to a random page… and finding there something that you needed to hear/read in that moment. That is Intuition guiding you.

Intuition will guide you home to yourself, every time. The more you welcome its voice, the more it will show you the way, in every decision you meet. Should you buy this or that? Should you say yes or no to a proposal? Should you leave for a trip/errand/adventure now or a bit later? Is this person or encounter safe or unsafe? In other words, what should you say YES to, what should you say NO to? Intuition always has the wisest and biggest picture in mind, for the benefit of more people than you know.

I’ll say one more thing: Women tend to have greater access to intuition, and often are able to hold onto and cultivate this skill better than men. This, I suspect, is mostly culturally-driven. Women tend to be more rewarded for their intuitive capacity. In some ways, we women are considered the keepers and tenders of this skill. So, please know that having full access to your intuition is not only within your ability, it is also your birthright. In order to be well, making the best decisions in the interest of your own wholeness, you need to have an open pathway, listening to and acting on the guidance of Intuition. The more you act on this guidance, the more Intuition will guide you in the future.

Here’s to you and your intuitive journey ahead. I am wishing my very best to you, as always!

Mwah, Rebecca


Chrysalis Time


The Sweetness of Rest