Chrysalis Time

I write to you on the cusp of Labor Day, on the cusp of everything feeling different. Schools are starting again, fall leaves are peeking into our forests, nights are cooler, the breezes feel different. Autumn is on its way. This is the biggest change in our year of seasons. This is the time of shifting back into ourselves more deeply, returning to layers of clothes, wool socks and shoes, and inevitably cold, dark times. This turning inward, becoming more introspective, is heroic. It can not be underestimated the courage it takes to peacefully bid farewell to the warmth and dreaminess and expansiveness of summer… and boldly shift our beings toward ourselves. Toward connecting more deeply with ourselves. This is Autumn’s request of us: Come home to yourself. Connect in. Who are you today? What do you need, what would nourish you?

I follow a woman named Tara Mohr. Her focus is on women “playing big” in their lives. One of her emails has stayed with me. In it she speaks about Chrysalis Time. This is the time of transition. The time of transformation. Chrysalis Time is when we need to deeply go inward, in protected moments, and dig around. This is the time in which we get curious about what lies within us, and begin the incredible work of becoming a greater version of ourselves. This is often a time that requires quiet, uninterrupted space for the becoming, the blooming to happen. Retreat is often needed.

I suspect that to some degree, Autumn beckons us to engage in Chrysalis Time. To carve out some time to deeply go inward, take stock, make plans, and help the next version of ourselves take flight. Just like butterflies.

How does this land for you? Is there some part of you that lights up in response to this idea? Which parts of you need nourishing right now? What would nourishment look like? And what kind of space, time, and quiet do you need in order to honor this? Is there a version of yourself that needs to go into renovation phase, and then return to the world in a new way?

I urge you to take whatever time is needed in order to listen to yourself, and then create whatever it is that you need to nourish wholeness and freedom in you life.

On this note, I will share with you a very big change. I too am heading into Chrysalis Time. There are some big renovations I need to make, and a greater version of myself that needs to be brought forth. I will pause my writing, in order to create the space in which to do the work needed, so that I can emerge like a butterfly. You will hear back from me in a month or two.

In the meantime, you may always email me. You know I love to hear your news and your visions for your own future.

Here’s to our inner work, and beautiful re-emergence, back into the world.




Emergence from the Chrysalis


The Inner Work of Wellbeing