Embracing What Is Given
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Embracing What Is Given

There is so much I could write about today. This is such a rich season for reflecting, celebrating, and writing. Celebrating one’s inner light has been a clear topic on my mind. Yesterday the idea of “Long Slow Shadows and Breathing” came to me. Today though, there is a different theme tugging at me harder, and it needs to be written now. So off we go!

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Quiet Wonder
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Quiet Wonder

Today it is 20 degrees outside, the air is brittle-dry, and the sunlight is spectacular. I am curled up on my couch, bathing in the sun pouring in, and listening. The plink, plink of my wood stove is the only sound around me in my home. I am so quiet inside of myself that I really see and savor the steam lifting up out of the hot cup of tea on the windowsill. If a pin dropped, I would hear it. Every tiny detail, even the way my clothes wrap around my body, feels incredible. I feel wrapped in wonder. Wrapped in reverence.
Yesterday my family and I heard the call of…

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The Art of Slumber
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

The Art of Slumber

Recently I was walking with a beloved friend, and I shared that I just didn't feel very radiant that day. She stopped me and said, "Dearest One, the sun doesn't shine every day. Everyone and everything experiences weather. This is normal." I just love this, and it buoys me on the days when I really just feel tired. Or defeated. The days of feeling deeply human. Today I write from such a place. I'll just say that straight out. We all have these days and seasons, don't we? I absolutely do. And…

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Gratitude and Thanksgiving
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Gratitude and Thanksgiving

Today I want to talk about shifting our orientation around Thanksgiving- the holiday and the concept. In the United States, many of us celebrate this holiday, and also many consider it a day of mourning. Did you know that? Many Indigenous People around the world consider this a day of mourning, as it continues to mark the genocide of Native Americans. I was taught as a child that Thanksgiving is…

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Emergence from the Chrysalis
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Emergence from the Chrysalis

The last time I wrote, it was two months ago, and I was headed into what Tara Mohr calls Chrysalis Time. Time away to do inner work and then to return, changed. It has been a very busy autumn/Chrysalis Time so far. Life has been full of opportunities to bump into myself and notice again and again who I actually am. So. It’s time to start writing again, and to share- bravely- some of what I have learned. I was at a birthday party recently, and sat, gazing at my community…

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Chrysalis Time
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Chrysalis Time

I write to you on the cusp of Labor Day, on the cusp of everything feeling different. Schools are starting again, fall leaves are peeking into our forests, nights are cooler, the breezes feel different. Autumn is on its way. This is the biggest change in our year of seasons. This is the time of shifting back into ourselves more deeply, returning to layers of clothes, wool socks and shoes, and inevitably cold, dark times. This turning inward, becoming more introspective, is heroic. It can not be underestimated the courage it takes to ….

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The Inner Work of Wellbeing
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

The Inner Work of Wellbeing

Each week, before I write, I go inward and ask: “What needs to be said out loud right now? What needs to be written?”

In a sense, I don’t choose the topic. I wait until the topic arises within me, then I write. I love this inner process; it further strengthens my inner self-trust, and my relationship with my intuition.

It’s funny. When the title arose, I thought I’d be writing about…

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The Sweetness of Rest
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

The Sweetness of Rest

How are you? I mean, really? How are you? How are you feeling? How is your energy these days?

Late summer is upon us now. We will soon be shifting into the darker and cooler months in this hemisphere. This is often a time of turning more inward, and seeking more opportunities to rest. Spring and Summer are a time of Big Doing. Autumn and Winter are about restoration. As we…

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Moments of Quiet
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Moments of Quiet

This week I am thinking about and soaking up quiet moments. As often and as many as I can. As a solo mama with multiple businesses, let me tell you I’m spinning a lot of plates. We also have a summer to delight in. I often end up feeling pulled in so many different directions, wanting to do everything all at once. Every Monday morning I have a meeting with myself, to get it all laid out, plans and priorities in order. And then life happens however it does, and I roll with it. It can be a circus, it can be beautiful and it can be deeply fulfilling. I am sharing this because I wonder: Can you relate? Is your life ever (or always) like this too?

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Engage Your Hands
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Engage Your Hands

This morning I gathered herbs for a friend who is healing. Comfrey and motherwort. As my feet touched the earth, as my hands held and cut the beautiful plants, I whispered to them: You get to heal our dear friend today. Thank you for helping her. In those moments, I felt so deeply alive, so full of life, so awake. And I thought of you all.
See here is the thing. (I am going to be really strong in my wording today.) In order for we humans to be fully alive, we must…

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Eating for Energy
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Eating for Energy

As you may have noticed, there are thousands of opinions on how to eat, when to eat, which foods, how much, etc... Are you tired of hearing these? Are you confused? I can imagine you are left feeling dizzy and disoriented. In my course, we dive deep into the role of nutrition in our sense of energy and wellbeing. Here are a few clear things that you can do…

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Permission to Feel Incredible
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

Permission to Feel Incredible

What if I told you that you have full permission to feel well, and in fact to feel incredible? What does it feel like to be told this? Do you relax and feel relief, or do you immediately put up an argument? Maybe your mind and body are saying, "Oh Rebecca! What a silly thing. Feeling incredible isn't that easy for me. I have these struggles, these hurdles, these worries, these responsibilities, these........."
I am here to tell you: It is your birthright to feel great…

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The Symphony of It All
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

The Symphony of It All

As a mother, as a business owner, as a human navigating this world, sometimes there is chaos. As a mother of a young child, let me tell you there is usually a fair amount of this. It's perpetual. Some weeks ago, I was in the midst…

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I Have Created a Sanctuary…
Rebecca Van De Water Rebecca Van De Water

I Have Created a Sanctuary…

I have created a sanctuary for you…. I'd like to begin with a story today. For my entire life, monarch butterflies have been one of my very favorite creatures. Years ago, I hand-made…

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